Read time: 2 minutes I have a bit of mixed feelings about publishing the English version of my new book Kelilah: Deadly Embrace. Today is the day the book is available on the Amazon and Kobo platforms.
Book information
Why I wrote Kelilah
Read time: 2 minutes Many readers ask why I wrote Kelilah. Here are three reasons.
THE CHAT: Kelilah - Deadly embrace
Read time: 3 minutes Vandaag dan eindelijk het interview met schrijver Jörgen Eijt. In dit gesprek vertelt hij over zijn nieuwste boek Kelilah: dodelijke omhelzing. Wow, een heuse spionage thriller? Inderdaad, waarom niet? (hij lacht) Ik hou erg van het spionage genre en ik dacht, het zou moeten lukken … Dus ben ik eraan begonnen. […]
Who is Yossi Cohen?
Read time: < 1 minuut Yossi Cohen, the current director of Mossad, was the inspiration for the fictional character Meir Levi in my book Kelilah: Deadly Embrace.
The books of Jörgen Eijt
Read time: 3 minutes Jörgen Eijt has written three books. Ten Dark Tales Before Bedtime (a collection of short stories), Dharma: Everything Has a Price (a novel) and Kelilah: Deadly Embrace (an espionage thriller). His books can be ordered here. Ten dark stories before going to sleep The collection contains ten stories […]